The investment related to utilities development with comprehensive infrastructure has been completed in May 2019. In less than a year, the project for over PLN 20 million was carried out successfully, preparing another attractive and friendly zone for the business. With the EU support, roads with pavements, footpaths and cycle tracks (2.3 km) were built. Streetlights were installed at the length of approx. 3 km. Sewage (2.8 km) and rain drainage systems (3.3 km) were laid. Teletechnical network channels were constructed (2.4 km). Power lines were fitted with cables (1.4 km). Water and hydrant systems (2.5 km) were built, as well as a high capacity gas network (2.3 km). Torun Regional Development Agency took care of environmental protection by developing and collecting areas in the degraded area and planned for revitalisation by the City of Torun.